This video was made by feeding hundreds of images of pharmaceutical pills into an AI. This AI is used by the government to create discriminatory profiles of “types” of people. Instead I used it to create profiles of what drugs “should” look like... Facial recognition software has been proven to be mistaken on a much higher rate when it comes to people of color and women, particularly black women. (Algorithmic Learning Institute, MIT, Joy Buolamwini, “AI, Aint I a Woman”). So I used facial recognition AI but instead fed it pictures of pharmaceutical drugs instead of people. The AI then generated “averages” of what a drug should look like. I do this to show the absurdity of both situations. Both “averages” can look like anything and not confined by color or size or any variable.It fights the notion that black and white thinking is necessary, or works when deal with addicts, and questions absolutes like minimum sentences. The piece is an abstract commentary on the implicit racism in the War on Drugs (